Banker's Draft

By Clive Mullis In the City of Gornstock, on the planet
Twearth, Private Investigator Jocelyn
Cornwallis and his employee, Frankie, were
enjoying a quiet pint down their local when life
suddenly became interesting; they met
Rose.....and then they got a case.
There's been a murder at an accountant's office,
and Cornwallis has to find the perpetrator but
at the same time the secret police have got an
eye on proceedings so maybe things aren't quite
as they seem. Then there's the Universal
Collider, a device for seeing things that happen
in other universes, and a cat with attitude
named Fluffy; put into that mix Sergeant
MacGillicudy, a policeman who tags along and
whose nemesis is Sergeant Grinde, a
government that evolved through Morris
Dancers, and Gerald who 'ain't really there',
then what you get when you stir it all up is the
Banker's Draft. ©Glenn Young2005 |