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The Wheels on the Bus

The Wheels on the Bus is a 3D animated series based on the popular children's song. The programme is aimed at young children. Set in Sing Song City, each show has a strong musical content, encouraging children to 'sing along' with Beep, the big red bus and his friends. Well known children's songs and music. With narration by Dawn French.

Beep the Bus and his musical friends, together with Daisy the Dog - everyone's favourite four-legged friend, travel through the city making music. You'll find them singing traditional nursery rhymes and a specially created song for children to enjoy.

Sing Song City is a colourful and safe learning environment full of nursery rhyme characters and wonderful animals. Beep meets all kinds of people, from Humpty Dumpty after his fall off the wall to Twinkle Twinkle who wants to stop being a star and get a real job.

©Glenn Young2005